
MSK Medical Imaging provides general scanning services, including ultrasound and X-ray, whilst specialising in musculoskeletal scans. We also offer steroid injections for joints.

 Ultrasound scanning uses sound waves to create images of inside the body. It’s considered to be very safe because it doesn’t use radiation to produce these images.

 X-ray is a high frequency, high energy wave form. X-rays use beams of high frequency energy to create images of internal organs and bones.

We offer scans for the following:


We provide all general (including gynaecological) and musculoskeletal ultrasound scans – we do not provide pregnancy scans.  


We provide X-rays on all areas.


What to expect at my appointment?

Your ultrasound or X-ray will be performed by our trained and qualified sonographer or radiographer.

Depending on the type of scan you are having, you may be asked to change into a gown. We have private changing cubicles where you can do this.

You will then be invited into the consultation room.

For ultrasound, water-based gel is applied to your skin, which helps the sonographer to get a clear picture with the transducer (a hand-held device that emits the ultrasound waves).

Most scans take about 20-30 minutes.

For X-ray, you may be asked to remove jewellery, eyeglasses, and any metal objects that can show up on the X-ray. Once you are fully prepared, your radiographer will tell you how to position your body to create clear images. The machine sends a beam of radiation through your body.

Once your scan is complete, a radiologist (a doctor who is specially trained in interpreting ultrasound and X-ray images) will review your scan.

They’ll write a report based on what they’ve seen in your scan, which will then be sent to the medical professional who referred you for your scan or X-ray. This may take 1-2 days. You will need to contact your referrer to discuss the results of the scan.



Our fees range from $280-$450 for privately funded ultrasounds, depending on which region(s) and how many regions you are having scanned.

Our fees range from $160-$200 for privately funded X-rays, depending on which region(s) and how many regions you are having scanned.

Please call or email us if you need a quote prior to booking.



If your injury is ACC related, you are only required to pay our surcharge. The standard surcharge is $65.

For tertiary students (with current student photo identification) and community service card holders, our surcharge is $35.


Health insurance 

Please let us know at the time of your booking whether you hold health insurance. We are Southern Cross affiliated and can also work with other health insurance providers.


Do you have a referral to see us?