Do you have a referral to see us?
You can:
Email your referral form (completed by your physio or GP) to us
Post your referral form to us at our postal address
Drop your referral form to our receptionist at 33 Arena Avenue. If you can’t get here during our working hours, there is a secure lock box located to the left of our front door which you can drop it into.
Once our team have your referral form, we will get in touch with you to make a booking.
At MSK Medical Imaging we welcome all opportunities to continually assess and improve the services we provide. We are committed to treating all complaints seriously and responding promptly and fairly. In investigating all complaints, our aim is to achieve a mutually satisfactory conclusion and, where appropriate, take action to ensure the situation does not arise again.
How to Make a Complaint:
In the first instance, we suggest you let us know what your concerns are by:
· Emailing us, using the “Get in Touch” form on our website, or by;
· Giving us a call on (03) 9296445.
Your complaint will be immediately escalated to our Managing Director. Your complaint will be responded to within 5 working days. Our response will address each aspect of your complaint. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can contact us again to let us know why our response is not satisfactory. Your complaint will be investigated, and we will work with you on how best to resolve any outstanding issue(s).
Your Rights:
Everyone using our service has the protection of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights. Copies of the code are displayed in the waiting area of our premises and copies can be made for you to take away with you.
MSK Medical Imaging must comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020 by law. This legislation places limitations on who we can disclose health information to. This means we may need to discuss the situation with the individual concerned and get his/her/their permission to provide you with a response if you are providing feedback or making a complaint on behalf of another person. There may be times that we request proof that you are our patient’s representative. This is to protect the individual from unwarranted disclosure of his/her/their health information and to meet our obligations. Information you share with us, will be treated in confidence within MSK Medical Imaging.
Complaints Procedure